What is Energy Clearing and
Why Do I Need It?
This physical time/space reality world in which we live, is made up of energetic vibrations. These vibrations affect and influence absolutely everything we do, feel, and think, whether we are aware of it or not. Energy clearing goes beyond balancing. It brings your vibrations back to center where perfect peace, harmony, and health exists.
You have a personal energy field that is unique to you. When that field is in balance, life flows almost effortlessly, relationships are harmonious and loving, and you are vibrant, healthy and happy. When your energy field is out of balance, everything is a struggle. You lose your vitality. Joy and excitement diminish. Your relationships suffer, as does your health, self-esteem, confidence, and motivation.
Energetic disturbances in your system create blocks. These disturbances can come from a multitude of sources such as, unhealthy relationships, negative thoughts and beliefs, trauma, toxic grid lines, EMFs, toxic people, betrayal, all forms of abuse, injustices done to you or someone you love (personally and culturally), self-doubt, fear, inadequacy, improper diet and exercise, personal boundaries (or lack of them) and stifling your natural self-expression and creativity.
Energetic disturbances that cause blockages can show up as old vows and contracts that are still in play from either not being fulfilled, or not being revoked. Disturbing frequencies show up as ancestral traumas that have been unknowingly passed down through the family lineage, working at jobs you don't love, not hearing the messages from your guardian angels, and settling for less than you are capable of achieving or being in life . . . just to name a few.
All of these energetic disturbances, and many more, block the flow of vital life force energy through your meridians. They throw your chakras out of balance. They create weaknesses in your organs, tissues, and cells. In time, energetic disturbances form real physical dis-ease within the body, mind, and emotions in the form of heart failure, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, depression . . . . ad infinitum.
Energetic disturbances that cause blockages can show up as old vows and contracts that are still in play from either not being fulfilled, or not being revoked. Disturbing frequencies show up as ancestral traumas that have been unknowingly passed down through the family lineage, working at jobs you don't love, not hearing the messages from your guardian angels, and settling for less than you are capable of achieving or being in life . . . just to name a few.
All of these energetic disturbances, and many more, block the flow of vital life force energy through your meridians. They throw your chakras out of balance. They create weaknesses in your organs, tissues, and cells. In time, energetic disturbances form real physical dis-ease within the body, mind, and emotions in the form of heart failure, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, depression . . . . ad infinitum.
Safe, Gentle, Powerful Clearings!
Energetic clearings is another name for vibrational healing. It is a gentle, safe, and powerful form of spirit work that can clear the vibrational disturbances in you body and energy field and bring you back into balance.
Let's Look At
Why Ancestral Trauma Significantly Affects You
Ancestral trauma is passed down through DNA. This means that we are affected mentally, physically, and emotionally by the experiences of our ancestors. The traumas they underwent, the illnesses they suffered, and the cruel or unsavory actions they accidentally on purpose may have done to others, affect our beliefs, behaviors, and decisions, unless we do something to change these genetic and energetic patterns within ourselves. To change them we need to know what they are.
Think about your personal and cultural heritage, and what your grandparents, great-grandparents, bloodline, and the distant relatives you don't even know, may have faced or enforced. Now add the injustices and persecution that affected your race, religion, gender, tribe, and the country your ancestors came from. Drop into this mix the collective trauma, such as a plague, pandemic, war, genocide, and you've got yourself a recipe for the answers to the challenges you are facing today. All of this lives, breathes, and breeds inside you.
Think about your personal and cultural heritage, and what your grandparents, great-grandparents, bloodline, and the distant relatives you don't even know, may have faced or enforced. Now add the injustices and persecution that affected your race, religion, gender, tribe, and the country your ancestors came from. Drop into this mix the collective trauma, such as a plague, pandemic, war, genocide, and you've got yourself a recipe for the answers to the challenges you are facing today. All of this lives, breathes, and breeds inside you.
What Jung Has to Say About It
"I feel very strongly that I am under the influence of things or questions which were left incomplete and unanswered by my parents and grandparents and more distant ancestors. It often seems as if there were an impersonal karma within a family, which is passed on from parents to children. It has always seemed to me that I had to answer questions which fate had posed to my forefathers, and which had not yet been answered, or as if I had to complete, or perhaps continue, things which previous ages had left unfinished."
Carl Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections
How To Book an Energy Clearing Session . . .
1. Choose the type of energy clearing session that excites you.
2. Go to that energy clearing website page. 3. Follow the instructions at the bottom of that page to schedule a session. |
DISCLAIMER: I am not a physician and do not diagnose disease, prescribe medications, or give advice on medical treatments. Your healing is your responsibility. The work I do is intended to be in harmony with any other healing work that you undertake, and not as a substitute for traditional medicinal treatment.